Vocal HERspective Episode 52 – Roxanne Powell

After decades of gender separation on the barbershop stage, the mixed ensemble movement is really starting to flourish. Get to know more about the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association with President Roxanne Powell. She just happens to also be one of barbershop’s most rabid fans and an understated hero in the barbershop community. Hear the interview Tuesday at 6:30pm Pacific!

Polyphony Episode 3 – Events at a Distance

What will happen with events this year is a topic that is weighing heavily on everyone’s mind. Polyphony gathered a diverse crowd of event producers from Sing! The Toronto Vocal Arts FestivalAll-American AwaazVocal Australia, and Varsity Vocals to talk about the unique festival and competition season that lies ahead. Hear it Monday 5 pm Pacific or Sunday at 7 am & pm Pacific. Download episodes at polyphonypod.org.