Barbershop 7th Hour – Episode 39

More barbershop coming your way tonight at 5 pm Pacific with The Barbershop 7th Hour on Acaville Radio with music from RealtimeLemon SqueezyRönninge Show ChorusAmbassadors of HarmonyKentucky Vocal UnionThe Rich-Tone Chorus, and so much more!

Friday Night Live – 1999 BHS International Quartet Finalists

Tonight we’re going to party like it’s 1999….with the Barbershop Harmony Society Quartet Finals from Anaheim where FRED took home gold. The Finals also featured future gold medalists Powerplay, Michigan Jake, and Platinum.

Relive it or hear it for the first time tonight at 6 pm Pacific, or on Sunday at 8 am & pm Pacific – only on Acaville!