Barbershop 7th Hour – Episode 30

How about a little Boston Common QuartetSound of the RockiesLemon Squeezy, Sundowners, Signature Quartet, and so much more? The Barbershop 7th Hour on Acaville Radio is bringing it all to you tonight at 8 pm Eastern!

Enjoy an expertly curated hour of fantastic barbershop tonight – or hear the rebroadcast at 2 pm Eastern Sunday and again 12 hours later.

Barbershop 7th Hour – The Birthday Episode

It’s host Jeremy Gover’s birthday and he is giving YOU a gift – an incredible lineup on tonight’s episode of The Barbershop 7th Hour on Acaville Radio. Hear the Sundowners, The Newfangled Four‘Shoptimus Prime QuartetCrossroads QuartetThe Cottontown ChorusOC Times QuartetMidwest Vocal ExpressGQ and even some Chicago News!!

Enjoy tonight’s show, exclusively on Acaville Radio starting at 5 pm Pacific, plus Sunday at 11 am/pm Pacific!