Friday Night Live – 2001 BHS International Quartet Finals

Tonight we’re bringing you to Nashville for the 2001 Barbershop Harmony Society International Quartet Finals on Friday Night Live! Hear Michigan Jake take the gold, as well as performances from Uptown Sound, Four Voices, Riptide, Power Play, Metropolis, BSQ, Gotcha!, Excalibur, and Saturday Evening Post. The fun kicks off with mic testers, Flipside at 6 pm Pacific!

New Tunesday – January 21, 2020

Highline Vocal Jazz

This one is a treat for the ears AND the eyes. See them LIVE at N.E.Voices this weekend – we’ll be streaming it right here on Acaville!

The King’s Singers

Founding Harmony is coming soon and here’s the newest single from this pillar of the a cappella world.


Forte + Shams Ahmed + Plaid Productions + Justin Critchfield + Ed Boyer + Dave Sperandio + Ryan Parma = Magic. That’s how math works, right?


Anytime the vocal percussionist gets a solo, you know it’s going to be great.

Six Appeal

This Twin Cities based group announced their new members, Mel Daneke and Virginia Cavaliere with this Beyonce classic.


There’s a reason the a cappella community loves singing and hearing covers of this Leonard Cohen song – especially when arranged and sung well.

Anthem Lights

This group should really just consider going all a cappella.

Harvard Opportunes

A stellar live version of Hard Place featuring first year soloist, Devon Gates.


January is a great time to put the spotlight on empowerment songs. Here’s a great medley from this San Diego quintet.